Monday, June 22, 2009

beach market

feel the sand beneath your toes
is this the reason we came?

or did you just want to browse
the beach market
the summer sun's favorite
meat market

hard-bodies strut up and down the sand
it's all a rouse

school's out
throw more meat
on the chopping block

are you enticed?
are you intrigued?
or are you just a watcher
mind's eye a camera
keeping storage for more private times?

beach bodies stored
in memory banks
like the meat thrown upon the slab
cold, lifeless, soulless.
merely existing for your enjoyment
for the privacy of cold walls
chills run through the air
preserved, kept pretty and fresh
for your easiest convenience

are you hungry yet?
better run home.
wouldn't want to be caught half mast
with the sails down

or are you the hunter?
do you prefer your meat warm
feel the juices on your tongue
the thrill of the pursuit
the glory of the capture?
maybe you just had a better camouflage
the a stray shot half-inviting glance

what are you waiting for men
posed question for ladies too
to hunt or be hunted
brave the risk of failure
or protect fragile egos
take a chance
make your move
the prey is not waiting for you

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